A commitment to never stop learning
My name is Trey Love, and I am a student in Texas A&M University's engineering program.
I have an interest in engineering power systems, and using robotics and software to improve quality of life for as many people as possible.
Outside of the lab, I enjoy playing chess and coding interesting games and websites.
I am always on the lookout for research and opportunities to gain experience, and have participated in a plethora of extracurricular programs at institutions such as the Southwestern Research Institute.
If you want to learn about how I'm bringing about a brighter tomorrow, you've come to the right place.

Personal Values
As an engineer, I've always been interested not in the what, but the why. From learning in the classroom, to working on a project, I make the effort to understand the fundamental concepts behind what I'm doing.
Furthermore, I have always had an affinity for logic and efficiency. By utilizing my knowledge of processes and systems, I always strive to create the most efficient work I possibly can.
Finally, I am a member of the Cult of Done- an ideology that sometimes the best way to move forwards is to move aside, and shift focus to solving new problems that arise in everyday life.

I am a graduate from Pickerington North High School, and am currently enrolled as a freshman in Texas A&M's general engineering program. I plan on graduating with a BA in Electrican Engineering, and a minor in Nuclear Engineering.

Long Term Goals
My goal is to find a career in Electrical Engineering within defense and security. I hope to be working on robotics and power systems, and will be getting a specialization in nuclear science. With the growing need for alternative and stable energy sources, and the growing complexity of robotics and circuitry, I plan to be the next generation of Electrical Engineers working to answer our biggest questions.

Outside of the classroom I enjoy playing chess, and am rated 2100 on Lichess. I enjoy playing social deception games with friends like Blood on the Clocktower, as well as strategy games like Catan. When I have extra free time I code games and simulations as a hobby, and to learn some new and interesting things while I'm at it. For some examples of past projects I've made, check out the Projects Page!

Southwestern Resarch Institue Mentorship
During my Junior year of high school, I selected two Mechanical Engineers as mentors, and was able to design and build a 6 month long project with them. During this developement period, we worked together to build, automate, and test a robotic arm for the purpose of spelling words from alphabet blocks. The design process allowed me to learn more about how engineers approach problems, and my ability to go on site and work on a project provided insight into the changing needs of the workplace. A final presentation was given to my mentors, faculty, and peers at the end of development, on the final product we designed (pictured left).

TAMU ThinkTank
As a member of the 2024 RASC-AL ThinkTank, I will am working in a group of 13 (pictured left) to design and plan a rover capable of servicing a lunar base. This NASA funded competition will culminate in submitting a formal Proposal Package February 2025, with the opportunity to move to finals and give a technical briefing. Working with this group has been extremely helpful in improving both my collaborative and research skills, and I am excited to see how far we go.

Upon graduation with an Electrical Engineering degree and a Nuclear Engineering minor, I plan on going into a job in security. My goal is to work on building and maintaining power systems used for radar, defense systems, and power generation systems, for the purpose of improving civilian safety. My plan is to go into the Department of Defense, or a similar government agency that specializes in national security.